F In Memoriam Maj. Gen. (P) Ernst Julius Magenda - Birkov Blog

In Memoriam Maj. Gen. (P) Ernst Julius Magenda

* Aspire to be a farmer but eventually became a successful soldier
* Madison pembrontakan thwarted by deception "Down"
By: Rusdi Thamrin
Nation Indonesia , Especially the Armed Forces have lost soldiers with the death of Maj. Gen. Julius Ernst Magenda who had become one of the leaders of the Army intelligence in place of his residence at 07:40 am Sunday morning on October 15, 1972, aged 53 years.
High-ranking officers who have retired since 1970 it has occurred and plays an important role in historic events to save the Republic Indonesia from a variety of insurrection.

However, according to the nature of their work and personal nature of the deceased, the emergence of the deceased in a variety of important events that very few people know about it.
Never wanted to highlight the deceased his personal history.
We are not there to save the deceased's life history is somewhat irregular because the deceased did not covet it, as disclosed by Mrs disclosed. Nurhaya Magenda deceased wife.
Ages 9 months to leave the blood spilled
EJ Magenda actually comes from the northernmost areas in Indonesia, P. Talaud but grew up in Pati, Central Java.He was born on the tenth day of the month coinciding two years in 1919 in Kiama, P, Talaud Sangir Talaud district.Her father was one of the descendants of the king in Kiama and has a farm job and are known by the name of Frans Magenda, Ernest Julius sends 9-month-old and his sister was three years old Rosemarie Magenda to her aunt Victorie Magenda (Frans Magenda sister) who married Dr. Umar who live and work in P. Java. Persitiwa took place in 1920.
Both brothers are then based on the Decree of the Governor Makassar at that time was officially appointed as the child of husband and wife physicians Dr. Umar's uncle. Muwardi who was murdered by the PKI in the Madiun incident of 1948. Her sister was later married Dr. Sunarto brother. Muwardi. Later became one of the characters Perwari Central Java and Central Java provinces have become parliament during the 18 months before the election in 1971.
Is still suffused with a feeling of grief the mother of the late Maj. Gen. Magenda revealed that his son actually aspire to become a farmer. Therefore Magenda have a lot of coconut trees after finishing MULO by her parents put into Middelbaar Landbouw in Bogor, although at that time parting with her weight.
Excluded from the ELS because lagukan Indonesia Raya
Further disclosed by Mrs. Victorie Magenda, before entering MULO Ernst Julius schooled by Dr. Umar in Europeesche Lagere School in Cilacap. But on a day with four friends Ernst Julius classmates singing Indonesia Raya. Ernst Julius headmaster banned along with four companions, and this caused a dispute between principals with them. Director of Department of O & E and Ernst Julius intervention was expelled from the ELS and transferred to the HIS in Cilacap. In schools HIS Ernst Julius did not want and never want to sing songs celebrating the birth of Wilhelmus and Queen Wilhelmina and every August 31 is always skipping. Ernst Julius therefore not be passed from HIS. Finally after repeated again, Ernst Julius managed to graduate and continue to MULO. MULO proceed to the Course of Chemical analyst and continue to Middelbaar Eykman Landbouw School. Ernst Julius had just succeeded in obtaining a diploma from the school's Bogor Agricultural Japanese troops landed in Indonesia.
Suddenly appeared with clothes officers Heiho
Bogor Agricultural school Setamatnya EJ Magenda worked at a company that has offices in Jakarta Red Bridge.Then told that he was put in charge of the sugar factory "Wringin Anom" Asembagus, Besuki, East Java. Some years there was no news story, because the upheaval that time of struggle, while EJ was in the area of East Java Magenda parted with her parents who live in Pati, Central Java. Suddenly in 1946 before the first clash Magenda EJappearance is again among her family by wearing clothes officers Heiho.
After that EJ Magenda leaving his parents again for 4 years and a new time of her marriage with Nurhaya Danukusumo, the son of an Assistant Wedana, the year 1950 to meet again with those who had raised him from the small. The events of the past two times he parted with the family is not much that can be told by their parents.Apparently when he worked in the sugar factory "Wringin Anom" at the direction of Patih Sudarman in Situbondo he entered the practice Heiho in Magelang. While PETA was founded EJ Magenda MAP training in Bogor. Comrade selatihan Magenda among others Prof. EJ. Dr. Prajudi Atmosudirdjo (former Director of the LAN). After graduating from the EJ Magenda PETA she returned to practice and was appointed Shodantjo Bondowoso Bondowoso, while Prajudi as Tjudantjo. At that time, a liaison captured and tortured by the Japanese all-out. From the recognition that Japan's liaison to catch the leaders, among others Prajudi PETA, Havid Soleh and fortunately thrown into prison.Because Japan did not obtain evidence of EJ Magenda not be arrested.
Struggling participate in Sidoarjo Surabaya Front
EJ Magenda activities after the first meeting in 1946 with his family in following the struggle for his family's dark.After the year 1946 was EJ Magenda disappeared for 4 years during which his parents had never heard the news about him. Before they met in 1946 his parents had never heard that EJ Magenda participate in the Front Sidoarjo, Surabaya. But the activities of other Magenda EJ never known by her parents. At the time the revolution began to churn and PETA has been disbanded EJ Magenda together other officers form the BKR. EJ Magenda then appointed as Commander of Det. Res. 3. Div. 7. with the rank of Captain. After it became Commander BN. 9. Res.3. .7 Div.
At the time of replacement regiment 4 Div.7 and Res. 3rd Div. 7. Become Res. 40, EJ Magenda appointed as Commander of Bat. 26. At the time of clash I, Battalion 26 be changed into guerrilla forces called COG IV Div. 7.Dihijrahkan to Kediri army and was appointed as Commander EJ Magenda Bat. 26 Div.7 under Col. Sungkono. The squad which has operations in the south of Kediri ordered to organize resistance against the NICA and then re-enter the area Besuki.
Madiun uprising thwarted by Tipu Deception
At the time Madison EJ pemerontakan Magenda had foiled a mass uprising only with deception without spilling a single drop of blood. EJ Magenda rebels know that Madison is a stupid-stupid and bigoted. EJ Magenda never been approached by an armed rebel machetes 6000. EJ Magenda only six of coincidence.
EJ Magenda asked what the purpose of their arrival that much. They said: "Sukarno were going to sell to the Dutch state and the Mobile Brigade was the Dutch military. Lead us to kill and invade Sukarno's Headquarters." Magenda replied: "Fine, I'll lead you all to attack the Dutch army and Sukarno. Bertiaraplah you all ...". All the rebels who numbered 6000 people and had since been influenced by anger overflowed it hit the deck all the PKI. For hours they are allowed to hit the deck and eventually they tired and sleepy. Ten for ten people gathered by Magenda, and was advised to go home. Thus the field is filled with 6000 people rebels gradually became vacant and they go home without knowing it. At the time of the second clash EJ Magenda never held a long march from Kediri to Bondowoso for forty days because Bondowoso at that time shall immediately be filled by our freedom fighters.
Ny. Nurhaya Magenda which recounts after mating with EJ Magenda say that their wedding seselesainya April 21, 1950 at Bondowoso morning her husband was ordered to go to quell the rebellion in South Sulawesi, Andi Aziz. At that time not many friends who knew about her marriage. After his departure known to Palopo, Sulawesi was postponed for three days, said Mrs. Nurhaya Magenda. After completing the task to quell the end of 1951, Andi Aziz.EJ Magenda moved to Ambon. He served as provost officer with the task of completing disciplinary violations among the military. Then EJ Magenda appointed chief of staff Res. 23 TT VII and later became Pd. KMD. Res 23 TT VII. He then served as Chief of Staff TT Pd VII is not how long he was transferred to Jakarta (1954) and placed in the Ministry of Defence Shelter Bureau of Former Members of The Army.
Because EJ Magenda already feeling tired and wanted to become soldiers back into society to live as people who have ideals and interests to maintain the plant in 1956 he requested and was granted pension. But at the time of the incident PRRI / Permesta he was called again because he is regarded as a figure strong enough to extinguish the two events. At the time of the incident G30S. EJ Magenda never went to General Nasution 10:30 hours the night before the troops G30S/PKI kidnap and kill the heroes of the revolution, according to someone who continues to follow the activities of the deceased during the crackdown G30S. He said that what he discussed with General Nasution himself did not know. But EJ Magenda himself told his wife Mrs. Nurhaya Magenda. Said, the late reporting increased activity and PKI PKI plans to hold a rebel but when, not known at that time. By EJ Magenda to General Nasution Asked what the troops need to be added. But General Nasution suggested not to add the troops because it would cause suspicion as if "we" who will conduct a coup.
EJ Magenda very active in the efforts of crushing the remnants G30S/PKI, but its activities are not many people know. In 1968 the deceased filed to retire again after since 1964 as Pati seconded to the Army Chief of Staff.Request was granted by the leadership of the late AD and beginning in 1968 until 1970 a period of preparation for retirement. Year 1970 Major General (P) EJ Magenda start his retirement until the end of his days 07:40 hours Sunday morning October 15, 1972. EJ Magenda end of his life after suffering a brain hemorrhage. Deceased leaves a wife and 4 sons, 3 men and 1 woman. EJ Magenda buried in the Garden of Eating Kalibata Heroes on Sunday afternoon at 15:00 pm. Another son of Indonesia who have given their devotion to dharma Persada Pertiwi mother has passed. A son of Indonesia in his life dreamed of becoming a farmer and caretaker of plants, but during his ideals and his desire was never achieved. But he had to give her what she can give to the State and the nation he loved.


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